Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Challenge

I challenge anyone who has read one of the books I have reviewed,  to comment their own thoughts on the book, or if you haven't read one, pick one and read it, then comment on it. Let me know how long it took you to get through the book, and give a different perspective on it. Your perspective.

Touch by Jus Accardo

Last night was day seven of reading Touch by Jus Accardo. It's getting tougher to balance my homework, with my reading, BUT I DID IT! I finished Touch at 11:55 PM last night! Five minutes to spare. This book is about Dez, the party girl of her school, who finds a boy on her way home from a party. He's being chased and she decides to lend a helping hand, one that he won't touch. She has no idea what she's getting herself into. Kale, the boy being chased, has been locked up for all of his life because of his ability, or curse, to kill any living thing he touches. He has no knowledge of Love, and anything that goes along with it, but he learns fast. When he goes home with a stranger, how was he supposed to know her dad was the guy who kept him behind bars. When he tries to protect himself, and hurt Dez, turns out she is the only one he can touch. This book is such a cute love story. Don't get me wrong, its not some lovey dovey book, it has some major action scenes. It's cute because Kale is so naive about life, and he doesn't know anything about love, and he's figuring it all out in such a short period of time. My favorite scene in this book is when he finds out what a kiss feels like. If language does bother you, then you might want to stay away from this book. It isn't too strong, but there is more than some. Its not too bad though. I didn't have a problem with it. This is my second time reading the book. I just bought all three in the trilogy and have only read the first two, so i'm re-reading them both before I read the third book. Now I'm off to start the second book, Toxic.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Ghost House by Alexandra Adornetto

This week I got a second book in. I read it in only four days! I was super psyched to read Gost House by Alexandra Adornetto, because she is the one who inspired me to write. She got her first trilogy, the Halo trilogy (which is also amazing), written at such a young age, and this made me believe I could write as well, even though I'm only 19. I had high expectations starting out on this book, and she didn't disappoint. This story is about Chloe, who can see ghosts. After the death of her mother, she moves to Europe with her grandmother for a while, where she get caught up in a battle of love and loss, this is also where she meets Alex, a drop "dead" gorgeous ghost! This book isn't like most paranormal romance books, where there are all thes weird supernatural talents that this girl has, that completely alter the world. The author doesn't make the world something new in this book, she adds on to it. She gives us something we can relate to, but also something that make us wonder what else is out there. She makes it feel as if this stuff could actually happen. My only thought after reading this book was "when will the next book come out?!" I'm excited to see what happens next in this addictive saga. 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Week 3 Goddess by Josephine Angelini

I finished Goddess, the final installment of the Starcrossed trilogy by Josephine Angelini in only TWO DAYS! In this book Helen is going against the odds, against fate, to fight the Greek Gods. This book takes everything you have learned in the previous books, and twists it. There are some things that you can guess, but then there are many more plot twists that leave you thinking "what just happened?" You will find yourself hating characters you love, and loving characters you hate. I assumed that this book was going to be fight, fight, fight, but there is only one MASSIVE fight scene at the end. It'll have you at the edge of your seat, wondering who will live or die, and what the final outcome will be. Its an Epic finale, for an Epic series. It won't disappoint. Happy readings.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Second Book Completed!!! Dreamless by Josephine Angelini

I finished my second book, Dreamless by Josephine Angelini, in only 6 days! In this sequel to the book Starcrossed, Helen is trudging trough the underworld, on a mission to defeat the Furies. Not far into the book you meet Orion, who shares a connection with Helen. In Dreamless Josephine brings a love triangle to the table, but unlike some books, where the girl is crazy in love with both guys, she can't make a decision, but she ends up sticking with the first guy and the second one could have not even been placed in the story and it would have still worked, this book is done tastefully. Helen never loses track of what she wants. In her heart, she knows what she wants, but she can't have it, so she's trying to find the next best thing. One thing I really like about the book, is that it has many more perspectives throughout the book. Even though it is in third person, you still see through the character's eyes, and feel what they are feeling, but it switches around between characters, sort of like it does in the Shiver trilogy. This book has quite a bit more action in it than in the first one, and I have a feeling the third one will have even more, so if you are into action, Greek Mythology, and romance, this is a great read. You guys HAVE to read this series!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

FIRST BOOK COMPLETED! Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini

I finished the first book of the year! (In only 6 days!) I started at the top of my bookshelf with Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini. This book follows the journey of a teenager, by the name of Helen, who finds out she is a decedent of, wait for it, Zeus. She gets caught up in a fight between the different houses, which are descendants of different Greek gods, to raise Atlantis. This can only happen when the houses unite, which happens when all of the houses are dead, or by intermarrying between the houses. One side of the house of Thebes, descended from Apollo, wants Atlantis to be raised, the other side is dead set against it. Raising Atlantis would cause many to die, hence good verses evil. Helen's identity was kept secret by her mother who abandoned her at a young age, so when she is discovered, this puts a target on her back. She is kept safe by the good side of the house of Thebes. Which is where Luke comes in. They have to stay at arms length to avoid accidentally raising Atlantis, but they find themselves drawn to one another. In this race against fate, who will win? I normally don't like books as much when they are in third person, but I found myself becoming the character, even through third person. Even you, who are like me, reading mainly first person, will like this book. It also skips around, to where you are seeing through other characters eyes, even though most of it is through Helen's. Helen feels like the average girl. Many can connect with the mortal part of her. The insecure girl, that shies away from being noticed. This connection will draw you in, and keep you loving the characters, and loving the book. Josephine made it to where we can relate to the characters, who may be somewhat different, but are still normal teenagers at heart. She even includes normal struggles we face, while incorporating a bigger paranormal struggle to keep it interesting. I give this book a five star rating. It would be good for any person who loves paranormal romance. I greatly suggest you read this book. Now, off to read the second book in this trilogy, Dreamless.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

I own over 600 books. My New Years Resolution this year is to read at least one book every two weeks, but preferably one every week. I am going to be posting reviews of said books after I get done reading them, because if I post during, then my mind could change later about how i feel about the book. I hope you check back to see what awaits.