Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Ghost House by Alexandra Adornetto

This week I got a second book in. I read it in only four days! I was super psyched to read Gost House by Alexandra Adornetto, because she is the one who inspired me to write. She got her first trilogy, the Halo trilogy (which is also amazing), written at such a young age, and this made me believe I could write as well, even though I'm only 19. I had high expectations starting out on this book, and she didn't disappoint. This story is about Chloe, who can see ghosts. After the death of her mother, she moves to Europe with her grandmother for a while, where she get caught up in a battle of love and loss, this is also where she meets Alex, a drop "dead" gorgeous ghost! This book isn't like most paranormal romance books, where there are all thes weird supernatural talents that this girl has, that completely alter the world. The author doesn't make the world something new in this book, she adds on to it. She gives us something we can relate to, but also something that make us wonder what else is out there. She makes it feel as if this stuff could actually happen. My only thought after reading this book was "when will the next book come out?!" I'm excited to see what happens next in this addictive saga. 

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